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Have fun

Have fun 


Principle Miss Elly
I started dancing at the age of 2, and went on to train at the University of Central Lancashire, majoring in dance where I graduated with  a 2:1.
After graduating, I returned to Morecambe, and continued developing my love of dance by touring the north west for 12 months with Ludus Youth Dance Company.
I then went onto northern youth dance company working with choreographers such as, Fluer Dark of Darkin Dance, Caroline Lewis professional dancer at Ballet Loren, Neville Campbell director of Phoenix dance company and Vivienne Wood. 
Once completing 12 months of touring around the north east, I returned home and began training for my teaching qualification alongside working part-time, and training with Canvas dance company in Leeds.
I was very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to take over from my dance teacher and commence my teaching with her dance school. An oppotunity I will always be grateful for.
I continued to gain teaching qualification over the years, alongside teaching and running the school, working full time  and  starting a family.
The success of my students will always cretae a snese of pride in my heart, however it is not the highest achievement gained which is important to me but the pure enjoyment  and personal  achievements they each gain throughout a term which fills me with joy.

Belief is the key to achievement, to belive in oursleve we need someone to believe in us first.


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